
Monday Nov 08, 2021
#175 G Update and Mouth Problems in Dogs
Monday Nov 08, 2021
Monday Nov 08, 2021
Today's episode goes over Miss G's progress (coming along nicely with humorous things as always) and then a discussion about a not uncommon problem in dogs who retrieve formally - mouth issues. This can be a lot of dropping, holding by a thread, crunching down on what is being carried, not releasing, etc. Before attacking the symptom of the problem head on, it's usually best to step back and realize you're looking at a symptom of a problem. It's always a good idea to try and figure out where the problem started and how. That can help you design an approach to address it if you can.
Audiobook is in the hands of the Audible folks. When they release it, it will be available on iTunes, Audible, with a link on my website: www.Batesworks.net The book Training the Pointing Labrador is also for sale on the website and this podcast is linked as well. People interested in training can fill out their information and express their interest on the website as well. I'm working (albeit slowly) to get it up and functioning very interactively... so please be patient.